In the current health climate, where H1N1 can lead the news and stay the topic of discussion across networks, it is sometimes necessary to consider the importance of masks to medical supplies. If California schools can order 23 million masks that are disposable for students to wear when they show symptoms of H1N1, then the rest of the world should not have a problem following suite, right?
Anyone who shows flu-like symptoms and is visiting a patient in a major metropolitan hospital will likely be turned away, for example. More people have become vigilant about alcohol-based sanitizers, and many are hesitant to shake hands with friends or strangers. Medical and nursing home supply companies have seen a welcome boost in sales across the country. The world has had to sit through careful advertisements about the proper way to sneeze (head turned and into the crook of your arm so that you do not risk contamination by hand contact with others).
There has been a proverbial sigh of fear from those who could not wait in miles-long lines to receive a vaccination and from those who did wait in vain as a site ran out of the vaccine and had to order more. This might all seem a bit paranoid, if the World Health Organization had not already declared H1N1 Swine Flu a pandemic. It should not be taken lightly. Many states have cited statistics for deaths connected to a compromised immune system stemming from H1N1 contraction. Even if you decide not to take the vaccination, you should take the safety of your immune system to heart.
If you need to stock-up on H1N1 prevention essentials such as gloves, face masks and sensitizers, visit www.unitedmedsupply.com, the leading medical supplies and nursing home supplies distributer.