There is a new technology in the works for those who suffer from migraines and don’t want to be treated with prescription drugs.
In a study published last week in The Lancet Neurology, a team of researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that 40 percent of patients were pain-free two hours after using a hand-held transcranial magnetic stimulation device.
According to lead researcher, Richard Lipton, “It's a long-standing, well-established technique, which has already received FDA approval for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes."
Lipton said the goal of this research was to gain FDA approval for the sTMS treatment of migraines. Currently, the FDA only has it approved for depression treatment, brain mapping and measuring brain excitability.
The technology works by penetrating the skull and treating brain tissue with a magnetic field. Lipton chose to try this treatment on migraine sufferers with auras or those who see spots, a gray haze or zig-zag lines when the migraine ensues. Aura suffers represent about 25 percent of all migraine sufferers. Disruption of the aura, which precedes a migraine, would prevent the headache from coming on.
We will most definitely keep our eye on this and other budding advances in medical supplies.
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